Thursday, 24 April 2014

 Easter at the Allotment

A Successful Team


Lots of staff and helpers came to work on the new allotment during the holiday.Luckily the sun shone and with alot of hard work we completed our tasks.

Building the Fruit Cage

It took a while to work out the instructions for the
fruit cage but with a team effort it was complete in 3 hours.

Luckily we had a tall helper!

The allotment so far
After 5 hours all the raised beds were made and in place, the first digging was complete and the fruit cage was in place. Now we need to double dig the new beds before we start to plant some of our seedlings and sow seeds directly into the ground. We can't wait to get going.


  1. Looks fantastic! Looking forward to going back down and planting more. Mr Kendall

  2. Looks fantastic! Well done to the team!
